Los Altos Auto Repair

Working Time: Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Allied Auto Works(650) 542-7178
Duke and Cayenne | Allied Auto Works Grant Road

Duke and Cayenne’s Automotive Corner

"Welcome to Duke and Cayenne’s Automotive Education Blog. Each week, Duke and Cayenne open their book of knowledge to bark with you. Check back often to see how they can teach an old dog new tricks. Never stop learning!"



Category Archives: Battery

Duke Takes Charge! (Battery Testing)


Duke here and you know with a name like Duke, I feel that well I am in charge in the house even though I let my owners think they are.  Being in charge is a great feeling and it is also nice to know your vehicle's in charge too.  So today we will be barking about making sure your vehicle's battery takes charge (battery testing).

OK, so you probably take your vehicle's battery for granted.  Turn the key or push a button and it starts right up.  During times of warmer weather, you probably think your battery can take it easy.  But it may surprise you to learn that hot weather can be much harder on a vehicle's battery than cold.  So it's wise to know what condition your battery is in BEFORE you find out the hard way—being stranded by a dead battery.

Your vehicle's battery won't last forever; an average battery will last 3-5 years.  When was the last time yours was replaced? You probably have no idea.  Your vehicle will usually give you some hints that it needs attention.  See if any of these are familiar:

  • your engine doesn't turn over as quickly as it used to
  • your headlights are a little dimmer
  • your Check Engine or Battery dashboard light is on
  • you hear a click when you try to start your vehicle
  • some electrical equipment in your vehicle isn't behaving the way it used to
  • your engine smells like rotten eggs
  • the terminals on your battery are corroded
  • your battery was made more than 4 years ago

Even if there are no signs your battery is on its last legs, it's a good idea to have it periodically checked at your vehicle service facility, at least once a year. A technician will check the date it was made (it's on the battery's case). They'll inspect your battery, cables and connections, looking for corrosion, bulges in the battery or any other abnormal signs.

Using special diagnostic equipment, the technician can run some tests on your battery and vehicle's electrical systems. They can measure how fully charged your battery is and how much potential it has to hold a charge.  Then, your service advisor will tell you how much more life to expect from your battery or recommend it be replaced. 

If you need a new one, your service advisor can recommend options for you. Important factors include brand, warranty, where the terminals are on the battery, and the ability to handle different cranking loads and temperature ranges.  Bet you didn't know vehicle batteries can be that different!

When placed in command, take charge ~Norman Schwarzkopf


Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024



Cayenne's Clean Start (Battery Cleaning)


Hi, Cayenne here on this beautiful summer day.  You know this nothing I love better than feeling fresh and clean after going to the groomer.  It gives me a clean start to the day; just like your vehicle's battery needs to give you a start to your day, your battery needs cleaning too.   So today, we will bark about battery cleaning and how to give your vehicle a clean start to the day. 

Your vehicle is loaded with electrical devices. Computerized components are everywhere, so good electrical connections are important.  Those begin with your vehicle's battery, so it's important that its connections are in top shape.

Ever had a flashlight that didn't work, took out the old batteries to replace them, and noticed they were all corroded? The same thing can happen to your vehicle's battery. 

The battery type used in most vehicles is lead acid, which can be very corrosive.  Corrosion can build up around your battery's terminals, preventing the electrical connection from being as solid as it needs to be.  You may have even seen discoloration around your battery's terminals if you look under the hood, a sign of corrosion.

Or you might notice visible signs of fraying or loose battery cables. All of your vehicle's components are affected by vibrations from the engine and road surface imperfections, and the battery cables take a lot of jostling every time you drive.  Frayed cables won't conduct as much electricity as intact ones.  Plus, there's the possibility that a frayed cable may touch a piece of metal in the engine compartment, which can cause shorts and other problems.

Some signs to watch out for might tell you if your battery terminals are corroded, or your cables aren't making good contact with them.  You might find your vehicle isn't starting as easily as it used to. You also might see the battery warning light illuminated on your dash. That light resembles a rectangle with a "-" and "+" sign inside.

Our technicians can ensure your battery and cables operate optimally with regular service and cleaning.  A technician will clean the terminals and portions of the cables that are connected to them.  They may also add an anti-corrosion agent to the cables/terminals. Nothing like giving your vehicle a clean start!

I leave you with my empowering quote for the week,

Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions. --Albert Einstein



Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024



Cayenne's Battery Replacement at Allied Auto Works in Los Altos


Hello Cayenne here, welcome to Duke & Cayenne's Education Corner here at Allied Auto Works.  If this is your first time here, get ready to be schooled by two hounds who can teach any dog some new tricks on a weekly visit.  So as Duke and I always say "Let's get barkin!"

Today's focus is batteries. It seems like everything in Los Altos runs on batteries. Of course, the batteries we're most concerned with here at Allied Auto Works are those in our customer's vehicles. Just like the batteries in our smoke detectors or TV remote, Battery they wear out and need to be replaced . This can be thought of as the power output used to start a cold vehicle engine. The number of cold cranking amps you need depends on your vehicle and where you live in CA, specifically how cold it is. (Many Los Altos drivers have first-hand experience trying to start their car on a cold winter morning.) The two factors are that the colder your vehicle's engine is, the more power it takes to turn the engine over to get it started. It has all that cold, sluggish oil to contend with.

The other factor is that the chemical reaction in the battery that creates electrical energy is less efficient when the temperature dips. Let's say it's 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees C) in Los Altos. At that temperature, 100% of the battery's power is available. At freezing, only 65% of battery power is available, but it requires 155% as much power to start the engine as it did at 80 degrees F (27 degrees C).

As you can see, the colder it gets, more power is needed, but the available power drops.

So if you live where it's cold in CA, you need a battery with more cold cranking amps than you do where it's moderate or hot. The battery that originally came with your vehicle was based on averages. At Allied Auto Works, we like to remind Los Altos drivers that they should always get at least as many cold cranking amps as their vehicle manufacturer recommends but may want to upgrade if they live where it gets real cold.

And as we enter into the New Year 2023, I leave you with my quote of the week,

"Many people look forward to the new year for a new start on old habits." ~Author unknown



Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024




Cayenne Gets It Charged in Los Altos for Extended Battery Life


Hello, Cayenne here, and today you will get a charge out of extended battery life for your vehicle.  So without further ado, let's get barkin' on this electrifying subject!

Here's an interesting statistic for our in Los Altos, CA, drivers: Only 30 percent of car batteries make it to 48 months. And the life expectancy varies by where you live. It ranges from 51 months in extremely cold areas to just 30 months in extremely hot climates.

Why is that? It turns out that it's our modern cars with all their electric accessories that are to blame. Things like, GPS, DVDs and entertainment computers are keeping vehicle batteries from maintaining a full charge. The longer a battery goes with a low charge, the sooner it'll die.

It's clear that you Los Altos drivers need to recharge your batteries. This is the job of the alternator. The problem comes when the car's demand for electricity is high and we are driving in stop-and-go conditions or short trips around Los Altos. The alternator just can't keep up.

The result is shortened battery life. So what can we do to improve our battery's health?

We need to keep the battery as close to a full charge as possible. That can be hard because sitting for just 24 hours in hot weather between charges can be too long. When the weather's cold in Los Altos, sitting for several days will cause discharge.

So some highway driving around CA will help keep a full charge if the battery has not been deeply depleted. Car batteries are not designed to be run down really low or deep cycled, as it's called. So using your headlights or other power accessories when the car is off can deeply deplete your battery. Using the alternator to recharge from a deeply depleted state is also very dangerous to your battery because it charges too fast. In fact, on average, your battery would only last for ten recharges like that.

If you do find yourself with a dead battery or very low battery, use a good-quality battery charger to slowly bring the battery up to full charge. Follow the instructions on the charger or talk to your friendly and knowledgeable service advisor at Allied Auto Works.

I leave you with my electrical joke for the day, 

"Why did the light bulb fail his math quiz?"  

"He wasn't too bright."


Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024



Cayenne is Positive and Negative (Battery Care)


Well, good day, Cayenne here, and I bet you notice when your smartphone's battery starts to go weak on you.  It runs out of juice faster than it did when it was new.  Bet you pay attention to that pretty closely because we all know what would you do if it went dead????  Well today, we are going to get a jolt out of the positive and negative on battery care for our vehicles.  So spark it up with a bark on this positive and negative subject.

Unfortunately, many of us don't pay the same attention to our vehicles' batteries. If your battery got you through the cold-weather months, you might be thinking you're all set until next winter. But you might be surprised to learn this: Hot weather is harder on a battery than cold weather.  (Note: we're talking about a conventional vehicle here, not an all-electric, plug-in one.)

 Your vehicle's battery holds a charge because it has chemicals inside it, and they react with each other to produce electricity.  A vehicle battery discharges electricity and then needs to be recharged.  Unlike the smartphone that you plug in each night to charge, the way a vehicle's battery gets recharged is by using the engine's mechanical energy.  It's a pretty cool system that's been around for a while.  An alternator changes the mechanical energy into electricity that then charges the battery.  And your vehicle is designed to charge it just the right amount with a voltage regulator. If your battery constantly gets too much voltage, it could stop holding a charge. 

Another way a vehicle battery loses its ability to hold a charge is when it gets hot.  In warmer weather, some fluids in your battery evaporate which can damage some of its internal components.  Then, you've got a dead battery.

Back to your smartphone for a second; it probably has a little indicator or maybe an app showing you how healthy it is or how much charge it holds.  Well, your service repair facility has equipment that can test your vehicle's battery for the same things.  If that test shows you need a new battery, then it's probably time to replace it.

A technician can also check to see if your battery is being charged at the correct rate.  If you have a battery that is not sealed, a technician can check to see it needs more water added to it.  The technician will also make sure dirt or other contaminants aren't acting as electrical conductors and discharging the battery.  Plus, your battery's terminals may need cleaning.

Most people just forget about their vehicle's battery until there's a big problem with it. Here's one rule of thumb: expect a battery's life to be about 5 years. Just like you wouldn't want your smartphone to leave you without making phone calls or sending texts, you wouldn't want your vehicle to leave you stranded with no way to start it, would you?   

When it comes time to make that new battery choice, your service advisor can offer you some good options, considering the climate you drive in, what you use your vehicle for, and your budget.  Hey, your smartphone's battery is all charged up.  How about calling Allied Auto Works and asking for Matt or Roberto for an appointment right now?

Here is my joke of the day, of course battery related,

"What was the reason for the arrest of the energizer bunny?

He was charged with battery!"




Duke's Gets A Charge Out Of Battery Replacement at Allied Auto Works




Hello Duke here and welcome to Allied Auto Works. Today I thought we would create some energy and focus on batteries. It seems like everything in Los Altos runs on batteries. Of course, the batteries we're most concerned with here at Allied Auto Works are those in our customer's vehicles.  So let's get some static and start barkin' on this electrifying subject!

Just like the batteries in our smoke detectors or TV remote, Battery they wear out and need to be replaced. This can be thought of as the power output used to start a cold vehicle engine. The number of cold cranking amps you need depends on your vehicle and where you live in CA, specifically how cold it is. (Many Los Altos drivers have first-hand experience trying to start their car on a cold winter morning.) The two factors are that the colder your vehicle's engine is, the more power it takes to turn the engine over to get it started. It has all that cold, sluggish oil to contend with.

The other factor is that the chemical reaction in the battery that creates electrical energy is less efficient when the temperature dips. Let's say it's 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees C) in Los Altos. At that temperature, 100% of the battery's power is available. At freezing, only 65% of battery power is available, but it requires 155% as much power to start the engine as it did at 80 degrees F (27 degrees C).

As you can see, the colder it gets, more power is needed, but the available power drops.

So if you live where it's cold in CA, you need a battery with more cold cranking amps than you do where it's moderate or hot. The battery that originally came with your vehicle was based on averages. At Allied Auto Works, we like to remind Los Altos drivers that they should always get at least as many cold cranking amps as their vehicle manufacturer recommends but may want to upgrade if they live where it gets really cold.

I leave you with my battery joke of the day.  

What did the Battery say on his Blind Date?

I have a lot of energy, and I am a pretty positive guy. But I do have a negative side.


Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024




Cayenne Is Wired! (Battery Cable Service)


Hi it's your crazy hound dog Cayenne and you know sometimes I get that burst of energy in me like I am WIRED or you get it when you have your cup of JOE but how about your car?  Well, it needs to be WIRED with its Battery Cables.  So today we are going to a jolt out of Battery Cable Service.

Colder weather brings out the worst in a vehicle's battery.  On a very cold day, you may have experienced that your engine cranks slowly when starting.  But while it may be the battery itself, it may also be the parts that transfer the power to other the other electrical components, the battery cables.  After all, you have to have some way to get the current out of the battery and out to where it needs to go.

Battery cables have a couple of enemies: corrosion and age.  You may have looked under the hood and noticed a light-colored powder or crust around the terminals.  That's what happens when acids corrode the ends of the battery terminals.  Corrosion inhibits the connection and may reduce the amount of power getting to the electrical accessories to the point where they are not working correctly, if at all.

Here are some symptoms of problems with your battery cables. You might notice a clicking sound when you turn the key, some of your vehicle's electrical parts (like the sound system or the horn) don't work or, in some cases, the vehicle won't start at all.

When you take your vehicle to a repair facility, the technician will use instruments to check voltages to see how much current is getting to what location. That includes a starter draw test during which the battery's voltage is checked when the starter is cranked.  The technician will also visually inspect the cables and the charging system. To make sure the alternator is putting out the right voltage, the technician will measure that as well. 

If the problem is found to be the battery cable assembly, the entire set may have to be replaced. Sometimes they can be repaired. 

During the colder months, it's vital that your vehicle has the proper power going to its electrical components.  Having a vehicle that won't start or run smoothly is not something you want to battle with when you're already up against challenging weather.  Keep your electrons flowing… and your vehicle moving.

I leave you with my joke of the day 

"What kind of car does an electrician drive?

A Volts-wagon"




Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024



Duke Has A New Battery in Los Altos


Hey, Duke here and today I am going to get a charge out of you.  We are going to bark batteries and if it is time well to replace the old battery with a new electrifying battery then we need to get barkin'!

Hello Los Altos drivers, let's talk about batteries. Car batteries are just like any rechargeable battery. They will eventually wear out and die. If you are shopping for a new battery in Los Altos, here's some auto advice to help you.

There are two measurements to consider when purchasing a new battery: cold cranking amps and reserve capacity. The power required to start a cold engine is measured in cold cranking amps. The number you need is determined by what kind of vehicle you drive and where you live. In general, higher-cylinder engines require more cold cranking amps than lower-cylinder engines. In other words, an eight-cylinder engine needs more cold cranking amps than a six-cylinder one. Also, diesel engines require more cold cranking amps than gasoline engines.

The weather where you live in CA also determines the number of cold cranking amps you need. The colder the vehicle engine, the more power it takes to get it started. Also, cold CA weather reduces the electrical efficiency of the battery, which reduces the amount of energy available in the battery to start the engine. Thus, in freezing temperatures, you need more power to start an engine, but you have less power available to get it started.

Your friendly and knowledgeable service advisor at Allied Auto Works in Los Altos can help you choose an appropriate battery for your vehicle and your lifestyle. If you need extra power owing to cold weather or a need for more reserve capacity, you may want to choose a heavy-duty battery. Just make sure it fits into your vehicle. An oversized battery may give you the power you need, but it's a serious safety hazard if the terminals come into contact with other parts of the vehicle.

Keep in mind that preventive maintenance performed at Allied Auto Works and good vehicle care can extend the life of your battery. Judicious use of electric gadgets and good driving habits are wise and can help you get the most out of your battery.

"What did the Battery say on his Blind Date?

I have a lot of energy and I am a pretty positive guy. But I do have a negative side."



Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024



Cayenne's Battery Maintenance Tips From Allied Auto Works


Hello, Cayenne here and today I am going to a charge out of you on Battery Maintenance Tips.  Let's get barkin' on this electrifying subject!

When it comes to your vehicle, it all starts with the battery. Proper battery maintenance is important for two reasons:

First, your vehicle won't start or run without it. Second, it is the key to the long life of your auto electrical system. If your battery isn't working efficiently, your alternator has to work overtime to make up for it, and other electrical components can suffer as well.

A number of years ago sealed batteries were introduced to the local Los Altos, CA, market. They were hailed as being 'maintenance-free batteries.' While it is true that you can't get in and adjust the electrolyte levels of a sealed battery, it is by no means maintenance-free.

Batteries are very sensitive to changes in the weather around CA. Temperature really affects auto battery performance. A battery inspection is an important part of your spring and fall checkups. Next time you're under your hood, take a look at your battery.

  • Is it clean and free of residue? A dirty battery will drain.
  • Is there corrosion at the terminals where the battery cables attach to the battery? If there is, the corrosion can interfere with how efficiently electricity passes back and forth from the battery.
  • Are the cables loose? Make sure they are tight.
  • Are the cables themselves corroded? Corrosion can actually eat through the battery cables.

Allied Auto Works service advisors can inspect and test your battery. If the inspection warrants a cleaning, have it done. If the battery test indicates that replacement of the battery or cables is in order, you will be lucky to have caught the problem before it becomes a major inconvenience.

Your battery will also last longer if you keep your fuel system and ignition system clean. It's all part of your commitment to regular maintenance, to keep your vehicle running on Los Altos streets at its best for a long, long time.

My quote for the day. "Batteries are the most dramatic object.  Other things stop working or they break, But Batteires....They Die." ~Demetri Martin




Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024



Duke's Battery Replacement at Allied Auto Works in Los Altos



Hello Duke here and welcome to Allied Auto Works.   Today we will get a charge out of battery replacement; when and why you need to do it in both cold and hot months.  So let's start barkin about this electrifying subject!


Today's focus is batteries. It seems like everything in Los Altos runs on batteries. Of course, the batteries we're most concerned with here at Allied Auto Works are those in our customer's vehicles. Just like the batteries in our smoke detectors or TV remote, Battery they wear out and need to be replaced. This can be thought of as the power output used to start a cold vehicle engine. The number of cold cranking amps you need depends on your vehicle and where you live in CA, specifically how cold it is. (Many Los Altos drivers have first-hand experience trying to start their car on a cold winter morning.) The two factors are that the colder your vehicle's engine is, the more power it takes to turn the engine over to get it started. It has all that cold, sluggish oil to contend with.

The other factor is that the chemical reaction in the battery that creates electrical energy is less efficient when the temperature dips. Let's say it's 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees C) in Los Altos. At that temperature, 100% of the battery's power is available. At freezing, only 65% of battery power is available, but it requires 155% as much power to start the engine as it did at 80 degrees F (27 degrees C).

As you can see, the colder it gets, the more power is needed, but the available power drops.

So if you live where it's cold in CA, you need a battery with more cold cranking amps than you do where it's moderate or hot. The battery that originally came with your vehicle was based on averages. At Allied Auto Works, we like to remind Los Altos drivers that they should always get at least as many cold cranking amps as their vehicle manufacturer recommends but may want to upgrade if they live where it gets really cold.

I'm energetic  and quite positive but I also have a negative side




Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024



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