Posted on 6/20/2018
Cayenne here and you know there is nothing like a hot summer day but sometimes the temperature can be too much here in California and you want to make sure when you hop in your car that A/C can produce that nice cool breeze. So let's start barkin' and get the breeze on A/C systems and service!
Most CA auto owners know that their vehicles need regular preventive maintenance like changing the oil and filters, rotating the tires and refilling the washer fluid. But did you know that your air conditioning system needs routine maintenance as well? Taking care of your air conditioning system can extend its life and prevent costly repair bills.
Why is it important for Los Altos area drivers to get routine maintenance on their air conditioning system? First, the refrigerant contains an added lubricant. As the refrigerant circulates through the air conditioning system, its parts are lubricated. This constant lubrication keeps the parts functioning well. But over time, this lubricant is used up, and without it, the parts will eventually seize up and fail.
Los Altos folks should understand, however, that the air conditioner will continue to pump out cool air even without the lubricant, so you won't know the system is sick until it actually dies. So good vehicle care includes regularly checking the refrigerant and lubricant in your vehicle air conditioning system and replacing it if needed.
The second reason your air conditioning system needs preventive maintenance is that air and water can get into the system. Air, water and the contaminants they contain will reduce the efficiency of the air conditioning system and can cause corrosion of the system's parts. Keeping the air conditioning system clean is a practice that will extend its life and keep you from losing your cool on hot Los Altos days.
How often should you get a routine car air conditioner inspection? It varies from vehicle to vehicle. Check your owner's manual for the vehicle manufacturer's recommendation.
Here's a good piece of advice from Allied Auto Works for CA vehicle owners that will extend the life of their air conditioning systems: You should run your air conditioner in the winter every once in a while. This circulates the refrigerant, which lubricates the seals. That way, they won't dry out during cold Los Altos weather.
I feel cool already. Have a great Summer Day!
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 6/14/2018

Duke here and what a beautiful day here in Los Altos. I thought today we would bark about your tire pressure and how it saves on let's get barkin' on this subject!
Underinflated tires waste gas for lots of folks in the Los Altos area. Think how hard it is to walk in sand – you just have to work harder because of the resistance. When your tires don't have enough air in them, their rolling resistance is dramatically increased and it simply takes more gas to get from here to there.
Always check your tire pressure when you gas up at one of our local Los Altos service stations. If they're low – even just a little bit – bring them up to proper pressure. There's a sticker on the inside of your driver's door that gives the manufacturer's recommended tire pressure.
And don't rely on your tire pressure monitoring system to alert you to when you need more air. The TPMS system is set to warn you when pressure drops 20 percent below recommendations. That's severely underinflated and you needed more air a long time ago. And if you have a slow leak – get it fixed right away at Allied Auto Works.
Get some air and save some gas.

Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 6/7/2018
Dirty fuel, that's no good! Hi Cayenne here and today I am going to bark dirty, dirty fuel systems that is. So let's get barkin' on this dirty subject!
Your fuel system needs to be clean to do its job properly. When it gets dirty, the results are lower engine performance, reduced fuel economy and impaired safety. It can even lead to costly repair bills for Los Altos drivers. So keep your fuel system clean as part of your routine preventive maintenance.
Fuel injectors have replaced carburetors in most of today's vehicles. These injectors deliver better fuel economy than a carburetor, but they can be compromised by rust, dirt and other contaminants. They need to be clean to maintain the correct pressure, spray pattern and volume of delivered fuel so that the vehicle engine can run at peak efficiency.
There are products on the market that Los Altos vehicle owners can add to their gas tank that will help keep your fuel injectors clean. These products will keep a clean fuel system clean but have trouble cleaning a system that has already gotten gummed up.
If your fuel system needs a major cleaning, Allied Auto Works can help. We have the tools and chemicals necessary to clean up your fuel system. We can remove accumulated carbon, grit, gum and varnish and get your fuel system and those all-important fuel injectors back up to snuff. Once your fuel system is clean, you'll notice the difference in improved power and better fuel economy. You may not notice that your vehicle is now producing fewer emissions, but our CA environment will be better for it.
Los Altos drivers should consider adding a cleaning product to their gas tank after a fuel system cleaning. Those cleaners will help prevent your fuel system getting gummed up again, plus they can prevent rust and corrosion in your fuel system.
Ask your friendly and knowledgeable service advisor at Allied Auto Works if your vehicle is in need of a fuel system cleaning. That kind of auto advice can save you big bucks in repair bills down the road.
Your owner's manual and Allied Auto Works service advisor can help you with other car care advice that can help improve the safety and performance of your vehicle. Allied Auto Works in Los Altos can also help you set up a schedule to perform that maintenance and help you customize that schedule so it accounts for the climate and road conditions in your area.
Los Altos drivers should remember that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. When it comes to vehicle care, that old adage has proven itself true.
Well I don't know about you but I going to take a bath after all this dirty talk.....until next week, this is Cayenne

Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024