Los Altos Auto Repair

Working Time: Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Allied Auto Works(650) 542-7178
Duke and Cayenne | Allied Auto Works Grant Road

Duke and Cayenne’s Automotive Corner

"Welcome to Duke and Cayenne’s Automotive Education Blog. Each week, Duke and Cayenne open their book of knowledge to bark with you. Check back often to see how they can teach an old dog new tricks. Never stop learning!"


Yearly Archives: 2024

E-85 Fuel Safety Advice from Cayenne


Cayenne here, and today at Allied Auto Works, I want to bark with you about a very important safety issue. This automotive safety warning is coming from a very unusual source: firefighting experts. You've probably heard of E-85 gasoline being offered in the Los Altos area. Some newer vehicle models are specifically built to run on E-85 – the rest are not.

Does your vehicle use E-85 gasoline? Bring it down to Allied Auto Works at 2073 Grant Road in Los Altos, CA 94024, to find out, or give us a call to make an appointment by calling 650.968.7227.

E-85 gasoline has been developed to fight air pollution and reduce oil consumption. E-85 fuel is a mix of 85% ethanol, grain-based alcohol, and 15% gasoline. So-called Flex-Fuel vehicles are designed to use either normal gasoline or E-85 gas. The result is lower exhaust emissions to our local Los Altos community.

All gas engines can run with up to 10% ethanol, and in fact, a lot of gasoline sold in the Los Altos, CA area does contain some ethanol. The problem comes when well-meaning residents without Flex Fuel-certified vehicles put E-85 into the tank.

At a 15% concentration, problems can arise. Because of the chemical differences between ethanol and gasoline, special seals and gaskets are needed for Flex Fuel vehicles. In a normal engine, the ethanol in E-85 gas will eat away seals and gaskets, leading to gas and oil leaks.

You Los Altos auto owners can imagine the fire hazard caused by leaking gasoline. CA fire fighting experts caution drivers to only use E-85 if they know their vehicle is certified to handle it. They expect vehicle fires to increase because of using the wrong fuel in non-Flex Fuel vehicles.

My quote for this week,

Safety never takes a day off



Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024



E85 Fuel Safety

Duke Breathes Deep in Los Altos With a New Cabin Air Filter


Hey, it's Duke, and I love taking in all fresh smells on beautiful spring days, but inside a car sometimes, not so much.  So today I am going to bark about checking your cabin air filter to inside air quality smelling fresh.  Let's get barkin'!

Poor interior air quality is nothing to sneeze at, and Los Altos auto owners might be interested to know that more and more new cars are coming equipped with a cabin air filter. Check your vehicle owner's manual, but they typically need to be replaced at around 12,000 to 15,000 miles (19,000 to 24,000 kilometers).

The filter is usually under the vehicle hood or under the dashboard. Some are a little tricky to get to, so you'll want to have your friendly and knowledgeable Allied Auto Works service advisor take care of replacing them.

As we said, many Los Altos people don't realize they have a cabin air filter and come to Allied Auto Works saying, "My vents are smelling bad." It usually turns out to be a dirty cabin air filter. A switch out, and they're on their way, smelling sweet.

Los Altos residents who suffer from allergies can really benefit from a cabin air filter as it keeps irritants to a minimum. If you're one of them, you'll want to replace your filter regularly.

If you do a lot of driving in dusty or polluted Los Altos conditions, you'll need to change your cabin air filter more often.

Give us a call to schedule that appointment today.

I leave you with a fresh air quote for this week,

Fresh air is good if you do not take too much of it; most of the achievements and pleasures of life are in bad air.

~ Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.



Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024



Cabin Air Filter

Cayenne's Emergency Items for Los Altos


Good day on this beautiful Spring day! Cayenne here, and with my spring bonnet on, I am ready to go for spring car rides and travel. However, you need to make sure your vehicle is ready and prepared for any unexpected emergencies on the road. So, today, we will bark about being prepared for your road travels.

Safe CA travel starts with preventive maintenance and good vehicle care at Allied Auto Works. But there are other things Los Altos residents can do to prepare for emergencies on the road. Here's some auto advice that can help you plan for emergencies, and just may save your life — or someone else's.

First, Los Altos auto owners should consider keeping an auto emergency kit in their vehicle. The kit should contain items that will allow you to deal with common emergencies on the road.

Some items you should carry in your vehicle include jumper cables (or a booster box), flares, a flashlight and some basic hand tools. Other useful items include gloves, two quarts of oil, some antifreeze, water and everything you need to change a tire. You might also consider a can of tire inflator, which is a great temporary fix for minor flats.

But taking care of your vehicle is only part of emergency preparedness. It is to take care of the people in the car, too. For this reason, you should carry a first aid kit, drinkable water and blankets. Other items to consider include high-calorie food items (like energy bars), toilet paper, a towel, a hat and boots. And, of course, when you travel in CA and out-of-state, you should always have your cell phone, some emergency cash, and a credit card.

Depending on where you live, you may need to add other items to this list. For example, sunscreen, sunglasses and extra water would be good to have on hand in a hot climate. For the cold and snowy CA season, some salt, a hand shovelemergency blankets and matches might be in order. Also, if your area is prone to severe weather or earthquakes, you should check with your local Red Cross or disaster preparedness office for their recommendations on what to keep on hand in your vehicle for emergencies.

When you travel away from your Los Altos home, you should check the weather forecasts before you leave and pack appropriate emergency supplies. Also, do some research about the areas you will be traveling through so you can be prepared for the climate and terrain. Remember the basics: heat, water, shelter, light and food.

When you travel, it is important to leave your itinerary with a trusted friend or family member. Check-in periodically at prearranged checkpoints. That way, if something does happen, someone else will quickly know you are in trouble and will be able to send help. These checkpoints will also help rescuers find you quickly, as they will have a better idea of where you are.

The automotive professionals at Allied Auto Works want Los Altos drivers to be safe. Preventive maintenance, proper planning, and smart communication are the basics of safe travel.

I leave you with a travel thought for this week.

No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow. ~ Lin Yatang



Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024



Duke Is For 4x4s (Maintenance of 4x4 Vehicles)


Hey Duke here. You know dogs love 4x4 vehicles, the true 4-wheel drive works of engineering like Jeeps and 4x4 pickups that allow you to seemingly go anywhere on the planet. With some planning and skill (always careful to protect the environment, of course), you can climb up a 40-degree rock trail, or you can get through the deepest snow.

But with that added capability comes additional complexity, drive-train components and other systems that less capable vehicles don't have.  And that is why when it comes to 4x4s, you have to maintain them a little differently from those vehicles that spend their lives on the pavement.  Here are some of the key things to keep an eye on:

  • Transfer case—This transfers power from the engine to the wheels.  A transfer case has fluid in it that needs to be changed at intervals recommended by the manufacturer.  Your service advisor will let you know how often that is and will keep track of your service dates.  You will need to make sure the transfer case seal is working properly.  Otherwise, transmission fluid could get in and cause damage that is costly to fix.  Some transfer cases have an electric motor that shifts it through gears, and its connections are often exposed to the elements, making them vulnerable to damage and corrosion.  Proper maintenance will keep those connections working as they should
  • Front and rear differentials—These also have to have the right amount of fluid and should be checked regularly.  Your service advisor can let you know when you need that fluid changed as the owner's manual recommends.  It's important the service is performed correctly with the proper lubricant so it will work the way it is designed to.
  • Brake lines—Those 4x4s practically beg to go into wet spots. They are also great machines for conquering snow: road salt, brine, and all.  Moisture, salt and brake lines are a recipe for corrosion, so brake lines need to be inspected regularly.  There are anti-corrosion sprays or white lithium grease that can retard corrosion.  Remember, getting there is half the fun, but not being able to stop is no fun at all.

So enjoy your 4x4 and what it can do that other vehicles can't.  Just remember that even though it's tough on the outside, it needs special care to keep it going.  Oh, and remember to take care of the environment when you go off-roading, too. 

and remember, Real Dogs don't ride in purses; they ride in Jeeps!



Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024


Drive Train

Cayenne's Fuel System Cleaning at Allied Auto Works


Is your vehicle sometimes hard to start early in the morning? Hi Cayenne here and when you turn the key, does it hesitate or stutter? If so, the problem could be the result of a dirty fuel system. Your vehicle's fuel system starts with the air filter and ends in the top of your engine. Over time, different parts of the system get dirty, which robs you of performance and hurts your fuel economy.

Most Los Altos vehicles have fuel injectors, rather than a carburetor. Fuel injection systems have fewer problems and require less adjustment. But they still need to be properly maintained. This is why your owner's manual has a schedule for cleaning your fuel injectors and other parts of your fuel system.

Some Los Altos residents are interested in buying fuel system cleaners that they can pour into their gas tank. You can do that - and there are lots of great products available that can help maintain an already clean fuel system - but these products cannot do a major cleaning. For that, you need to see Allied Auto Works. Allied Auto Works has the professional tools and chemicals to really do a complete service.

Allied Auto Works uses a process that gives your vehicle a deep, professional fuel system cleaning. You need to remove particles, gum and varnish from your fuel system and get those injectors running cleanly and efficiently. After a professional fuel system cleaning, you'll notice more power, better fuel economy and reduced exhaust emissions.

The cleaners also help prevent rust and corrosion in your fuel system and lubricate engine parts.

Fuel system cleaning is just one of those recommended service items that help keep your vehicle running strong. As with all maintenance, it can help avoid repairs that often result from not taking the right preventive steps. Los Altos residents will notice the difference in how well their vehicle runs. Check with your friendly and knowledgeable pros at Allied Auto Works to see when your vehicle is scheduled for a fuel system cleaning.

An ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure for Los Altos vehicles.





Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024


Fuel System

Duke's Getting from E to F (Fuel Gauge Problems)


Duke here. Who thinks about their fuel gauge? You probably don't… until it doesn't work anymore. Then you have to guess how much fuel is in your tank, and that's no way to live life on the road. Imagine how upset the hounds will be if they don't get their car ride. So today, we will be barkin' about fuel gauge problems and what to do. Let's get barkin'!

Fuel gauges, like every other part in your vehicle, can fail.  When yours stops working, you will probably want to head over to your service facility soon because no one relishes running out of fuel.

The fuel gauge system is much more than just the gauge on your instrument panel. Most systems have a float inside the fuel tank that goes up and down depending on the fuel level. It's called the fuel-sending unit, and it sends an electrical signal to the gauge (on the dash), telling it to display how much fuel is left in the tank. 

So, what could go wrong? Well, a few things. For one thing, corrosion from bad fuel can cause it to stick, and it won't move up and down anymore. So you could fill up your tank, and the gauge would still read Empty. If a sending unit needs to be replaced, the parts can be costly. The good news is that fuel-sending units rarely fail, and most drivers will never have one go bad.

Other things that can go wrong? An electrical problem could cause a fuse to blow and you won't get a reading at all.  A technician can figure out where that electrical problem is and how to repair it.  Finally, it's possible for the gauge itself (on the instrument panel) to fail.

One thing to keep in mind is if your fuel gauge isn't working, you might be tempted to carry around an extra container of fuel.  That's ok if it's outside the cabin, such as in the bed of a pickup.  But if you carry it inside the cabin or trunk, fuel fumes can be very dangerous for your health, even fatal.

A working fuel gauge gives you peace of mind… so you'll never have that "empty" feeling.

I leave you with this thought,

"Did you ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you? But when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window!" ~Steve Bluestone



Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024

Cayenne Is Diagnosing Your Vehicle at Allied Auto Works


Good day, Cayenne here. When we get a car repair bill, we really shouldn't be surprised to find “diagnostic fees” as one of the line items. When we get a computer fixed, there is usually a charge for the time it takes to diagnose the problem. When I go to a veterinarian, most of his fee is for his ability to diagnose what's wrong. It's no different with our vehicles.  So today, we will be barking about diagnosing your vehicle. 

Some diagnoses are fairly simple. Brake repairs at Allied Auto Works, for instance, usually require only a visual inspection. But other problems are much more difficult to diagnose. An intermittent engine problem, for example, takes time and expertise to pinpoint.

Modern vehicles have multiple computers that monitor a variety of sensors throughout the vehicle. When one of those sensors has a reading that is higher or lower than the standard parameters, the computer turns on the Check Engine light. Technicians at a service center such as Allied Auto Works in Los Altos can scan the engine's computer for a trouble code. This code tells the technician which reading is too high or too low.

That's where some Los Altos residents get confused. They think that this reading concludes the diagnosis, and they don't understand why the diagnostic fee is as much as it is when all the technician did was scan the computer. But the truth is the trouble code is only the beginning of the diagnostic procedure.

Remember, the trouble code only tells which reading is out of parameter. It doesn't say what is causing the reading to be too high or too low. Your Allied Auto Works service technician still has to find the underlying problem. It's a lot like going to the doctor. He can take your temperature and discover that you have a fever, but that doesn't tell him what is causing your fever.

Automotive diagnostic technology can reduce the time it takes to diagnose a vehicle that isn't running properly. But it doesn't eliminate the need for your friendly and knowledgeable Allied Auto Works service technician to make a proper diagnosis. Car care, like medical care, still requires the human touch.

I leave you with this diagnosis quote,

"Bedside manners are no substitute for the right diagnosis." ~ Alfred P. Sloan


Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024



Duke's Fuel Saving Tip: Los Altos Tune Up


Duke here. Have you ever gone to listen to an orchestra? The musicians take the stage early and tune their instruments. Each individual instrument must be in tune, but the critical thing is for the entire orchestra to be in tune with each other. That's why they tune up together. Now this is no surprise; I'm going to relate the orchestra to your vehicle. Your engine has many component systems that each need to be working properly. And the components need to be working in sync, all timed up together in order for the engine to work efficiently.

We call this... (ta-da) a tune-up. When an orchestra is out of tune, you get a bad concert. When your vehicle is out of tune, you get bad performance and bad fuel economy.

So check your owner's manual for recommended tune-up intervals. Or ask your Los Altos service advisor at Allied Auto Works what he thinks.

...Just be careful not to say you want to make beautiful music together – that kinda makes us uncomfortable.



Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024


Fuel System

Cayenne Is Going Nuts (Lug Nut Replacement)


Hey it's your crazy hound dog, Cayenne.  Today, we are going nuts......lug nuts, that is.  We will bark about lug nut replacement, so let's get nutty and roll into it.

Here's a part of your vehicle you probably don't think about much: lug nuts.  They're what fasten your wheels onto your axles.  Pretty important, right? In order to take the wheels off your vehicle to service the brakes, rotate the tires, etc., the lug nuts have to be in good shape so a wrench will grip them tightly. 

Because lug nuts are on your wheels, they are exposed to all the elements of the road (salt, water, grime) and really take a beating. Unfortunately, some manufacturers have made them out of two different metals.  Underneath is the working part of the lug nut, made of steel.  On top is the decorative (the "good looking") part, made out of chrome, stainless steel or aluminum.  After a while, the steel part begins to corrode and expands.  That changes the shape of the outer cap, sometimes rounding off the hexagonal edges and making it hard (if not impossible) to either loosen or tighten the lug nuts since the wrench won't fit anymore. 

The reason that's so important is those lug nuts must be functional, especially if you find you have a flat tire somewhere on the road.  If the wheel can't come off to be swapped with a spare, it leaves few options, one of which is your vehicle may have to be towed.  All that for corroded lug nuts!

When you take your vehicle in for service, the technician who works on it keeps an eye on many things, especially if he or she is removing wheels.  It's not unusual for your service advisor to recommend you replace several lug nuts at once since some corrode at a different rate than others. Your repair facility is trying to help you avoid driving a vehicle that has wheels that can't easily be taken off when they need to be.

The good news is that there are one-piece lug nuts that don't have the problem the two-piece lug nuts have, so replacing them could prevent that from happening again soon. And that's not "nuts" at all.

I leave you with a nut joke,

What do you call a pair of nuts on the wall? Walnuts!




Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024

Duke's Advice On Before You Buy that Used Vehicle (Having a Used Car Inspected Before Buying)


Hello and what a beautiful day here in Los Altos.  Duke here and with Spring on the way, you might be thinking about a new car, a mean used new car.  Did you know that Allied Auto Works offers a Used Car Inspection, so there are no surprises on that car you have your heart set on?  Well let's start barkin' about what you need to know and do before purchasing that vehicle. 

Let's face it.  New vehicles are expensive, so finding a good used one can save drivers a lot of money.  It's tempting to look through ads, find a private seller who has what you're looking for and pay a price you think is a great deal.  But when you go over to look at a used car, do you really know what to look for to uncover potential problems with it?

The answer is probably no.  Used cars can look great on the outside, maybe even have lustrous paint and a super clean interior. But is it possible that the vehicle's been in an accident? Does it have electrical problems you can't detect easily? Is there any fluid leaking that you don't know about?

Think about it.  You are about to spend thousands of dollars on a complex machine, and you're considering judging its condition without much expertise.  That's why it makes sense to have a qualified technician inspect any used vehicle you're considering buying.

Many vehicle repair facilities will do it for around $100-$200.  They'll check to see what's working right and what's not working.  They'll check for leaks and how strong the battery is; they'll look for signs it's been in an accident or has been painted. They'll look in places you'd find inaccessible, and they'll take it for a test drive to see what noises, vibrations and smells might give clues to any major problems.  An inspection usually takes about an hour.

You should have an inspection done by a technician you know and trust.  They'll have your best interests in mind.  And the inspection should be done before you start negotiating a price with the seller.  It's money well spent to either give you peace of mind that you're getting a good vehicle or steer you away from a lemon. 

One sign that a used vehicle isn't a good deal is if the buyer refuses to let you have it inspected. That says just about everything that needs to be said.    

So, if you have a used car you want to buy, call Allied Auto Works for an appointment for a Used Car Inspection. You will be glad you did, and it might save you a lot of money in the long run.

I leave you with an inspection quote for the week,

“The key to success is to inspect what you expect.” – Unknown



Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024


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