Posted on 12/27/2016

Can you see me, if not, it may be time to replace your wiper blades! Cayenne here and today we will bark about your wiper blades and if you can see clearly. Let's get barkin'
About 90% of our driving decisions in the South Bay area are based solely on what we see. So having a good pair of windshield wipers is extremely important.
Most Santa Clara County drivers have experienced the frustration and fear of not being able to see clearly during a storm, or when our vehicle windshield is just dirty. In fact, it's estimated that 46,000,000 drivers across the nation are driving with wipers that can't adequately clear their windshield in a storm.
It seems like our wiper blades are always at their worst when we need them the most. If that sounds like you, you've got plenty of company in the San Jose area. 78% of only change their wiper blades after the blades function so poorly that they become a safety hazard.
San Jose, Cupertino, Los Altos and Mt. View drivers need to change their thinking. Instead of blades being something to replace when they fail, we need to consider wiper blades as vehicle safety component. Then we'll stay ahead of the storm.
Vehicle owners really ought to replace wiper blades twice a year; in the spring and the fall. If you live in the colder parts of CA, you may even want to get special winter blades in the fall.
Winter blades are made to resist freezing. Speaking of winter and freezing South Bay conditions, if your vehicle has been sitting for a long time and the windshield becomes frozen, don't use your wipers to clear off snow and ice. That can shred your blades and may even damage the wiper motor.
Your wiper blades live outside in the freezing cold and blistering sun. Over time, they become hard and brittle, and then tear. They also lose their flexibility and just don't clear the vehicle windshield effectively. Worn wiper blades aren't just a safety hazard for Los Altos drivers; they can also scratch their windshield. That may require replacing the entire vehicle windshield – that's the consequence for neglecting such a small part.
Allied Auto Works recommends drivers replace worn blades right away. We can provide you with a quality replacement blade. At Allied Auto Works, they cost about the same as they would at the store – but installation is included.
Of course you also need washer fluid to help your blades do their work. Even though Allied Auto Works will top off the washer fluid with a full service oil change, it is a good idea to have some extra fluid at home. Bring it with you if you're heading out on a road trip.
Always use windshield washer fluid. Plain water, even that fancy French bottled water, just doesn't cut it. It can freeze in the fluid reservoir or on the windshield itself, making things worse. Besides, water won't clean your windows as well.
So follow these tips to keep your windshield clear and your eye on the road.
Find us at:
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Now you can see things clearly,
Posted on 12/19/2016

Happy Holidays ! It's your favorite dog blogger, Duke!
Today at Allied Auto Works I want to bark with you about a very important safety issue This automotive safety warning is coming from a very unusual source: fire fighting experts. You've probably heard of E-85 gasoline being offered in the Los Altos area. Some newer vehicle models are specifically built to run on E-85 – the rest are not. So let's find what this is all about and get barkin!
Does your vehicle use E-85 gasoline? Bring it down to Allied Auto Works at 2073 Grant Road in Los Altos, CA 94024 to find out, or give us a call to make an appointment by calling 650.968.7227.
E-85 gasoline has been developed to fight air pollution and reduce oil consumption. E-85 fuel is a mix of 85% ethanol, a grain-base alcohol, and 15% gasoline. So-called Flex-Fuel vehicles are designed to use either normal gasoline or E-85 gas. The result is lower exhaust emissions to our local Los Altos community.
All gas engines can run with up to 10% ethanol and in fact a lot of gasoline sold in the Los Altos, CA area does contain some ethanol. The problem comes when well-meaning residents without Flex Fuel certified vehicles put E-85 into the tank.
At a 15% concentration, the potential for problems arises. Because of the chemical differences between ethanol and gasoline, special seals and gaskets are needed for Flex Fuel vehicles. In a normal engine, the ethanol in E-85 gas will eat away seals and gaskets. This leads to gas and oil leaks.
You Los Altos auto owners can imagine the fire hazard caused by leaking gasoline. CA fire fighting experts caution drivers to only use E-85 if they know their vehicle is certified to handle it. They expect vehicle fires to increase because of using the wrong fuel in non-Flex Fuel vehicles.
Well until next week with Cayenne, this is Duke and Happy Holidays to all!
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 12/13/2016

Cayenne here and today it's all about the bottom line when spending money or your car. Buying a new car in Los Altos is always a big financial decision. The allure of that new car smell is powerful, to be sure. But what if your current car is still in good shape? How do you decide? Well's let's get barkin!
People in Los Altos who've been used to driving a new car every three to five years may be having second thoughts in this economy. For many, the question is, how does the certainty of a new car payment stack up against uncertain repairs for a car that may be out of warranty?
For purposes of our discussion, let's assume you live right here in Los Altos and have a five year old vehicle. It's now paid off. If you keep it, you fear that there'll be some repairs over the next five years, but you really don't know what to expect. For help we turned to maintenance and repair information for cars and trucks. With this data, they project likely service and repair costs for a particular make and model. They're able to use manufacturer's maintenance schedules and repair histories for the projections.
Of course, these projections can't predict what will happen to your vehicle in Los Altos, but they do give you information to use in your decision.
Let's look at the numbers for a five year old Toyota Camry V-6. In this example, the combined maintenance and repairs for the five year period is $5,748. This works out to an average of $96 a month. The year-by-year averages range from a low of $49 a month to $124 a month.
So compare $96 a month with a new car payment. And it's actually better news than that; you would still have maintenance expenses with a new car, so the repair element could be less than half that figure.
Here are numbers for some other five year old vehicles from around Los Altos:
- Ford Escape - $116 a month
- Chevy Silverado - $131 a month
- Jeep Grand Cherokee - $138 a month
- Hyundai Accent - $85 a month.
Now, if your vehicle is older than five years, have a chat with your Los Altos service advisor at Allied Auto Works. We see hundreds of vehicles through our bays every month and we know your car. See if there's any particular problem in common with your vehicle that you might see over the next couple of years.
And of course, the best way to keep future repair costs down is to take care of all your scheduled maintenance. This is especially important in older vehicles that have had time to accumulate some deposits.
There are special motor oil formulations that help clean older engines and protect and recondition their seals and gaskets.
Well I hope this eliminates some of the unknowns in the decision to keep or trade.
Give us a call if you have any questions and tell them Cayenne sent you! 
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 12/5/2016
Hello Los Altos it's Duke again! Did you know that the first federally mandated emissions control device was introduced in the 1960's? The Positive Crankcase Ventilation valve, or PCV valve, has been installed in CA vehicles since 1964 and represents the first legislation by the United States government to regulate harmful emissions as well as to improve in the country's vehicles. Well I guess you barked it, we are going to bark about PCV Valve Service today!
The PCV valve, as you can probably guess, is located on the crankcase. The crankcase is the lowest part of a vehicle's engine. It houses the crankshaft and the engine oil. The crankshaft connects to the pistons that power the engine.
Pistons are pushed down when fuel is burned in an engine. This causes the crankshaft to rotate, which sends power to the transmission, which ultimately turns the axles and causes the vehicle to move. Some of the gases released by the burning fuel squeeze around the pistons and down into the crankcase.
If the escaped gases mix with the engine oil in the crankcase, oil sludge develops. This sludge has the consistency of petroleum jelly and can cause damage by clogging up passageways in the engine. Further, escaped gases can build up pressure inside the crankcase that can blow out seals and gaskets.
Before 1964, a hose was attached to the crankcase that vented escaped gases out into the air. These gases contained about 70% unburned fuel, as well as harmful emissions. The PCV valve was designed to curb these harmful emissions as well as recapture unburned fuel.
The PCV valve is a small, one-way valve that allows escaped gases to exit the crankcase. The gases are then routed into the intake system so they can be re-burned in the engine. Fresh air enters the crankcase through a breather tube to facilitate this circulation and keep the air in the crankcase clean.
The PCV valve, like most working parts on a vehicle, will wear out over time. Usually it simply gets gummed up. Preventive maintenance, including routine oil changes at Allied Auto Works in Los Altos, will extend the life of the valve, but eventually it will have to be replaced. A sticking PCV valve won't allow gases to circulate properly, which can increase pressure in the crankcase. Over time, that pressure will lead to oil leaks.
Your vehicle manufacturer recommends that a PCV valve be replaced every twenty to fifty thousand miles, depending on the vehicle and Los Altos driving conditions. It's an inexpensive repair, but may not be included in the maintenance schedule in your owner's manual, so if you're looking for auto advice about the PCV valve, you may have to ask our pros, Matt and Travis at Allied Auto Works.
Taking care of our PCV valve protects the environment in CA, and improves vehicle performance. It's just part of good car care for Los Altos drivers, and a way that all of us can do our part to improve the world we live in.
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 11/29/2016

Good day, it's Cayenne again and today we will bark all about PCV Valves and the service they need. So let's get barkin!
Today, we are talking about your PCV valve. Unburnt fuel is forced into the crankcase as your engine runs. The PCV (positive crankcase ventilation) valve vents this unburnt fuel and oil vapors from the crankcase and sends it back into the air intake system to be burned in the engine. A clogged PCV will not allow these vapors to escape. This can dilute and contaminate the oil, leading to damaging engine oil sludge. It can also cause vehicle engine corrosion, something we see occasionally at Allied Auto Works. At high speeds on CA freeways, the pressure can build up to the point that gaskets and seals start to leak.
Back in the old days, vehicles were simply installed with a hose that vented these gases out into the atmosphere. But starting in the 1964 model year, environmental protection laws required that these gases be recycled back into the air intake system to be mixed with fuel and burned in the vehicle's engine.
This is much better for air quality and improves fuel economy also. (Budget-conscious Los Altos drivers take note!) The little valve that performs this important function is the PCV valve. The PCV valve lets gases out of the engine, but won't let anything back in. Over time, the vented gases will gum up the PCV valve and it won't work well. That can lead to all of the problems I've already described, oil leaks, excessive oil consumption and decreased fuel economy.
Fortunately, it's very easy to test the PCV Valve at Allied Auto Works in Los Altos and quick and inexpensive to replace. Even so, it's often overlooked because many Los Altos vehicle owners don't know about it. Check your vehicle owner's manual or ask your Allied Auto Works service advisor. If this is the first time you've heard of a PCV valve, you might be in line for a replacement.
There's another aspect to the PCV system. In order for the valve to work correctly, it needs a little clean air to come in. This is done through a breather tube that gets some filtered air from the engine air filter. Now some vehicles have a small separate air filter for the breather tube called the breather element. That'll need to be replaced at Allied Auto Works when it gets dirty.
Please ask your Los Altos service advisor Matt or Travis about your PCV valve. For the price of a couple of burger combo meals in Los Altos, you can avoid some very expensive engine repairs. Til next week with Duke, this is Cayenne 
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 11/22/2016

Well hello, it's Duke and I am keeping a watch on your Check Engine Light. Are you??? Let's get barkin about what to watch out for!
Did you know that most of the cars driving around Los Altos, CA carry more computer power than the Apollo 121 Lunar Module that landed on the moon in 1969?
New cars sold in the Los Altos area have as many as twelve networked computers and over five miles (eight kilometers) of wiring. In fact, for the last decade or so, auto computers have been controlling about 85 percent of your vehicle's functions.
Cars have sensors for manifold air temperature, coolant temperature, manifold air pressure, airflow, throttle position, vehicle speed and oxygen content. All of this electronic wizardry is pretty complicated. So how do Los Altos drivers know when there is a problem?
It's simple; the Check Engine light comes on. The computer monitors all the sensors and uses that information to decide what to adjust such as the fuel mix, spark timing and idle speed. In addition, the computer monitors its own circuits. When it finds a fault, it turns on the Check Engine light and stores a trouble code in the computer.
It can be pretty disturbing for Los Altos drivers when the Check Engine light comes on. We wonder just how urgent it is. Generally speaking, it is not critical like a temperature or oil pressure light. When you get one of those it means STOP NOW! When the Check Engine light shows up, you should come in to Allied Auto Works in Los Altos to find out what the matter is as soon as possible.
Since 1996, there has been a strong emissions control component to the Check Engine diagnostic. But if your Check Engine light flashes on and off, you know that it is more urgent and you need to get it checked immediately to prevent damage. You should slow down and avoid towing or heavy loads until you can get it checked out.
Your friendly and knowledgeable technicians at Allied Auto Works have special diagnostic equipment that will retrieve the trouble code from the computer and help him determine what is wrong. From there, we can fix it and get you back on the road.
Stop by if you're check engine light is on and tell them Duke was keeping a watchful eye for you. 
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 11/14/2016

Cayenne here today and here's a question for all my Los Altos neighbors :
How long have you been enjoying the romantic glow of your check engine light? Well that is what we will focus on today, let's get barkin'!
Hey, it's not there to create ambiance; it's a warning that something's wrong. (And, by the way, Homer Simpson's fix of covering it with tape is not a good idea.)
Many conditions that trigger the check engine light can hurt your vehicle. A lot.
If your date's eyes are smoldering in the soft glow of the check engine light, try to think of all the gas money you'll save by getting it fixed. Give Allied Auto Works a call when you areready and tell them Cayenne sent you! 
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 11/7/2016

It's Duke and do you believe that today's sophisticated and modern vehicles are maintenance free? Well today we will bark about this and find out the truth......let's get barkin'!
In our auto video today we'll be talking with Alan Peterson about myths surrounding automotive maintenance. You can lump these myths into the statement that "modern cars are so reliable, they are virtually maintenance free".
Any good myth has some elements of truth. No offense to Los Altos Bigfoot fans, but this maintenance-free myth has more evidence than most. If we look at some isolated areas of auto maintenance, we could conclude that maintenance isn't so important. But other areas would just as easily lead you to believe that maintenance is more important than ever.
Here are some examples for our friends in Los Altos.
- Some cars in Los Altos no longer require chassis lubrication. They're made with self-lubricating materials and have sealed joints. There's literally no way to grease those joints.
-Chalk one up for the myth.
On the other side, some vehicles come with sophisticated variable valve timing. A lot of complicated parts up in the valve train that didn't even exist not that many years ago. These parts are very vulnerable to oil sludge.
- So, skipping an oil change here and there could lead to very expensive damage.
-A point to maintenance.
- Electronic ignition has eliminated replacing points.
-Myth gets a point.
- Fuel injectors on direct injection engines are very expensive to replace so one must be sure to get a fuel system cleaning on schedule.
-Point for maintenance.
I think you get the picture. As automotive technology advances, it eliminates or reduces some maintenance requirements. And maintenance becomes more critical for some items. Most others remain very similar to what they've always been.
So the maintenance mindset is still important for car owners in Los Altos if we want our vehicles to last a long time. The checklist may change over time, but there'll always be a check list.
Your friendly and professional service advisors, Matt & Travis at Allied Auto Works can answer any questions you have about your vehicles maintenance schedule.
Til next week, this is your friendly Automotive Dog Blogger, Duke! 
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 11/1/2016

Cayenne here and today we will do a balancing act. Wheel balancing and tire rotation that is! So let's get barkin!
Los Altos drivers want their tires to last as long as possible. Two ways to extend tire life are wheel balancing and tire rotation.
When wheels are out of balance, they wobble and vibrate. That makes the tires wear in a cupping pattern. If a front wheel is out of balance you'll feel it in the steering wheel. If it's a rear wheel you'll feel it through your seat. To fix this, your technician at Allied Auto Works puts weights on your wheels to balance them out.
That brings us to tire rotation. The front tires on a vehicle wear out faster than the rear tires. As they push through turns, the shoulders of the front tires wear down. So rotating front and rear tires allows them to all wear at about the same rate over the life of the tire.
Proper tire inflation will also help Los Altos folks' tires last longer. Under-inflated tires wear more on the shoulder and may even overheat. This could cause tire damage or a blow out. Over-inflated tires wear too fast in the middle.
Four wheel drive trucks and SUV's tend to wear their tires more unevenly so rotation is even more with them. Give Allied Auto Works a call to get our recommendation for your vehicle.
See your owner's manual or ask your service advisor at Allied Auto Works for your recommended tire rotation schedule. It's usually every 5,000 to 8,000 miles.
Tires are one of the most important safety components on your vehicle. Take care of them and they'll take care of you.
This is Cayenne and til next week check in with Duke ! 
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 10/25/2016
What time is it??? Time to check your intervals with me Duke! Let's get barkin!!! 
Part of the engineering that goes into designing a vehicle is testing the components to ensure that they meet durability and safety standards. Because of this, manufacturers have a good idea as to how long the parts in your vehicle will last under normal driving conditions. For this reason, they give us guidelines to follow regarding how often to inspect the various parts and systems on our vehicles.
Vehicular components are required to meet certain standards. The government mandates some of these standards. Others are set by the auto industry. Recommended car maintenance schedules are designed to help Los Altos vehicle owners maintain these standards. Disregarding routine maintenance or procrastinating preventive maintenance will result in lowered performance and reduced safety for a vehicle.
Maintenance schedules are designed to ensure three areas of automotive performance for Los Altos drivers: protection of the vehicle itself, efficiency, and safety.
Your vehicle's components need protection from dirt, road damage, rust, corrosion and fuel and combustion by products. Protective components include filters and fluids.
Most of the fluids in your vehicle are there to keep the vehicle running smoothly and to protect the vehicle from corrosion, damage or harmful contaminants. These fluids need to be changed regularly in order to continue protecting your vehicle.
For example, motor oil lubricates your engine, which keeps it running well, but it also contains detergents and other additives that clean your engine and protect it from corrosion. Your vehicle's engine was engineered for best performance with a specific weight and type of motor oil. Los Altos drivers should always be careful to use the right motor oil for their engine.
Over time, the additives in motor oil are depleted, and the oil becomes contaminated by dirt, water and waste gases from combustion. So in order to keep your engine clean and to continue to protect it from corrosion, the oil has to be changed periodically.
Over time, your vehicle's systems will get dirty and parts will wear down. Cleaning dirty systems and replacing worn parts will improve the efficiency of your vehicle, which is usually measured in terms of and power output.
For example, your fuel system components gradually get clogged up with gum and varnish from gasoline. This restricts fuel flow, which lowers your engine's efficiency. Gas mileage drops as a result. Cleaning your fuel system will restore and improve gas mileage.
Some of your vehicle's systems must be maintained for safety reasons. Your brakes are a prime example of this. Brake pads and brake fluid need to be replaced in order to ensure good braking power. Poorly maintained brakes lead to accidents.
Your owner's manual is your first resource when it comes to knowing when and how to maintain your vehicle. Of course, you can consult with your Allied Auto Works service advisor. He can give you good auto advice on how to adjust your service schedule to account for climate, local road conditions and your driving distances.
Beyond routine maintenance, your vehicle also requires regular inspections. These inspections are usually recommended at specific mileage intervals, like fifteen or twenty thousand miles. The interval is based on the known life expectancy for particular components in your vehicle. Regular inspections will identify vehicular components that need to be repaired or replaced before damage is done to the vehicle or safety is compromised. They are also designed to safeguard the efficiency and performance of your vehicle.
The multi-point inspection that comes with a full-service oil change does not cover all of the regular inspections your vehicle needs for peak performance and safety. Check with the automotive professionals at Allied Auto Works in Los Altos to find out what additional inspections your vehicle needs and how often. Good car care requires regular and consistent maintenance. But good maintenance pays for itself in better and fewer repairs. It may even save your life.
Well I am on a schedule too and it's time for me to say goodbye for this week. Tune in next time with Cayenne and never stop learning!!!
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024