Los Altos Auto Repair

Working Time: Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Allied Auto Works(650) 542-7178
Duke and Cayenne | Allied Auto Works Grant Road

Duke and Cayenne’s Automotive Corner

"Welcome to Duke and Cayenne’s Automotive Education Blog. Each week, Duke and Cayenne open their book of knowledge to bark with you. Check back often to see how they can teach an old dog new tricks. Never stop learning!"




Cayenne's Fuel Injector Cleaning at Allied Auto Works

cayHello Cayenne here and today we will do some cleaning, Fuel Injector Cleaning that is.  Let's get bark'in!   



In very simple terms, a fuel injector is a valve that squirts fuel into your vehicle engine. Your engine control computer tells the fuel injector how much fuel to deliver as well as the precise time it should be delivered. Of course this happens thousands of times a minute in every single fuel-injected car driving down Los Altos roads.

Most fuel injectors for gas engines are known in the Los Altos automotive community as port fuel injectors because they deliver the fuel to a port just outside the cylinder. The fuel pump provides pressure needed to squirt the right amount of fuel into the engine.

A few have recently introduced gas direct injection systems on some engines. They are now available at some CA dealerships. These systems inject the gas directly into the cylinders under very high pressure – many times the pressure of port injection systems.

Although more complicated, direct injection technology promises greater power with improved fuel economy for gas-poor vehicles. CA motorists can expect to see more of it in the future.

High temperatures under your vehicle hood and variations in Los Altos gas quality cause fuel injectors to be fouled with wax, dirt, water, additives and carbon. Injectors can become partially clogged, preventing them from delivering the proper amount of fuel at the correct pressure.

When injectors are dirty, the fuel doesn't burn as efficiently resulting in poor and loss of power. So it's for Los Altos residents keep their fuel injectors clean.

Your technician at Allied Auto Works can perform a fuel system service for you in which the fuel injectors are cleaned so that they operate properly and deliver the right amount of fuel at the right time.

Proper maintenance of your vehicle fuel system means that you will spend less on gas, enjoy strong performance and prevent repair bills down the road and you can thank your automotive dog blogger, Cayenne!


Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024


Fuel System

Duke Barks "Go Big or Go Home": Upsize Your Wheels at Allied Auto Works

dukeDuke here and today we are going to go BIG with wheels, me personally I like a big steak bone but let's roll on!


A lot of us Los Altos drivers like our vehicles to reflect our personalities. We're picky about color and body style. We'll customize anything from floor mats to window tints to license plates. One popular way for CA motorists to customize a vehicle is to get new wheels.

Wheels come in thousands of designs. Custom wheels can add personality, style or sass to a vehicle. Many of these customizations involve getting a bigger wheel.

Fifteen or sixteen-inch wheels used to be the factory standard, but today, because a lot of Los Altos drivers like the look of larger wheels, many vehicles are available with seventeen or eighteen-inch wheels. Optional wheel packages of twenty inches or more are also available in Los Altos.

If you want to upsize the wheels on your current vehicle, however, you should know it's not a do-it-yourself project. There are factors involved in ensuring your wheel change doesn't jeopardize the safety of your vehicle.

First of all, you need to understand rolling diameter. The rolling diameter is the overall height of a tire. If you increase the rolling diameter of your tires when you upsize your wheels, you may have to modify your suspension to make sure the larger tires fit in the space and don't rub in turns or over bumps. If that's more work than you're willing to do or pay for, then you need to maintain rolling diameter when you change your wheels.

It's not as hard as it sounds. Imagine a doughnut. That doughnut represents rolling diameter, so you can't make the doughnut bigger. However, you can increase the size of the doughnut hole. That gives you a bigger wheel. Tires with reduced sidewall on larger wheels will preserve your rolling diameter.

Rolling diameter is because your wheels and tires still need to fit inside the wheel well. Also, your speedometer, odometer and anti-lock brakes are all programmed to work with a specific rolling diameter. You'll throw off the readings on your speedometer and odometer if you change your rolling diameter. And for your anti-lock brakes to work properly, your rolling diameter has to be within 3% of factory recommendations. While some Los Altos drivers who upsize may not be concerned about meter readings, throwing off the brake system is a serious safety hazard.

Further, many vehicles in Los Altos are now equipped with electronically controlled suspensions. Changing the rolling diameter will negatively affect this system as well, which can lead to a less smooth ride and lower handling performance as well as safety concerns.

Your friendly and knowledgeable Allied Auto Works tire professional may be able to reprogram your vehicle's computer to adjust for a larger (or smaller) rolling diameter.

So to maintain rolling diameter, you'll need tires with a shorter sidewall. These tires will be designed to give the sidewalls the strength they need to maintain ride quality. Consider that doughnut again. As the wheel (the doughnut hole) gets bigger, the sidewall of the tire (the width of remaining doughnut) gets shorter. That means the tire holds less air. The sidewalls have to be made stiffer to compensate for the decreased air capacity.

To improve their strength, the shorter tires will also be slightly wider than your previous tires. But this means you'll have a larger contact patch, or, in other words, a larger area of tire making contact with the road. This can actually increase your handling performance and decrease braking distances. Many CA auto buffs customize their wheels just for this reason—they want the improved performance rather than looks or style. If you drive a truck or an SUV around Los Altos, you might be interested in the extra control an upsized wheel can provide.

Now, that larger contact patch still has to fit inside your wheel well without rubbing when cornering or when bouncing over bumps or potholes on Los Altos roads. This is termed fitment, and you may need a few adjustments so your new wheels will fit properly. You may need spacers so that your brakes will fit inside the new wheels, as well.

Allied Auto Works tire professionals are experts at mounting, adjusting and customizing wheels. They can give you a lot of good auto advice about wheels and tires and how they affect driving performance and car care. They can help you select wheels and tires that will suit your driving needs and habits.

For example, if you drive off-road around Los Altos, you should consider a higher profile tire. This type of tire will protect your rims from damage while you're bouncing over rocks. Or, if you tow a trailer or haul heavy loads around CA, you'll want a tire with a load rating equal to your demands. Your friendly and knowledgeable Allied Auto Works tire professional can help you with these types of concerns.

Once you've got your new wheels, have your service advisor at Allied Auto Works see if you need an alignment. You don't want those new wheels and your higher performance compromised by poor alignment. Get the most out of your investment by getting the work done right at Allied Auto Works in Los Altos.

Last but not least, remember tire pressure. With larger wheels, your new tires will hold less air and they'll need slightly higher pressure. You'll need to stay on top of preventive maintenance and keep them properly inflated. Be sure to check their pressure at least once a week. If you don't keep your tires at their correct pressure, they will wear out really fast. It will also your braking and handling performance.

So smile and show off your vehicle around the South Bay.   Make it all yours.   Bumper stickers, vanity license plates, custom wheels — strut your stuff!  Or stay on the porch if you can't run with the BIG DOGS!

Duke      duke


Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024


Tires and Wheels

Cayenne's Good Service and Good Fuel Economy


Cayenne here and today I am going to let you on a little secret about Good Service and Good Fuel Economy.  Let's get barking!


Most Los Altos auto owners want to save on gas and seek our advice on improving economy. At Allied Auto Works, we are frequently asked, however, if it is really worth the extra effort. Just how much money can Los Altos drivers actually save?

In today's Allied Auto Works article, we're focusing on the things you can do to improve your vehicle’s economy driving around CA. We'll tell you the potential savings per gallon of gas at three dollars and fifty cents, and we'll show a chart that also shows the savings at three and four dollars.


DOLLARS PER GALLON $3.00 / $3.50 / $4.00

TUNE UP 4%.12.14.16

The next item is replacing a clogged engine air filter. Your engine needs enough air to burn fuel efficiently for the best mileage. A clean air filter means you get plenty of air. The fact that the air's clean protects your engine. That can save you up to ten percent or thirty-five cents a gallon.


DOLLARS PER GALLON$3.00 / $3.50 / $4.00

AIR FILTER 10%.30.35.40

Fixing a faulty oxygen sensor can improve economy by up to forty percent. That's a whopping dollar forty in savings per gallon. Bring your car to Allied Auto Works in Los Altos and we'll check your oxygen sensor.


DOLLARS PER GALLON$3.00 / $3.50 / $4.00

FAULTY O2 SENSOR 40%1.201.401.60

Chances are that if your oxygen sensor is kaput your check engine light will come on. Now, there's any number of things that could cause your check engine light to come on besides oxygen sensor problems. But if it's on, get it checked out as soon as you can at Allied Auto Works.

Here's an easy one for Los Altos auto owners. Inflate your tires to the recommended pressure. That could save you three percent or eleven cents a gallon. Even a little drop in pressure will bring down your economy, so check your tires every week.


DOLLARS PER GALLON$3.00 / $3.50 / $4.00

TIRE INFLATION 3%.09.11.12

Your vehicle has recommended a specific weight of motor oil. The recommendation is based on engine design and will give you the best protection. Using a heavier weight could cost one to two percent in reduced economy, or up to seven cents a gallon.

Another thing Los Altos vehicle owners can do to improve that costs nothing is to toss the junk out of our trunks. In other words, clean out the car and stop hauling around non-essentials. Don't treat your vehicle like a storage locker. Dumping one hundred pounds of extra weight adds up to a 2% savings at the pump.

So when you tell someone you were going somewhere anyway and they're welcome to come along, that's okay. But if someone tells you they need to come along and it's no harm to you since you were going anyway—well, now you can tell them, “Sorry, dude, but you're an extra fifteen cents a gallon!”

All joking aside, let's all do ourselves a favor and fatten up our wallets by practicing good car care and better driving habits in California and Allied Auto Works is here to help.

Til next time, this is Cayenne! cay

Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024



Fuel System

Duke By the Numbers: Tire Replacement at Allied Auto Works in Los Altos

dukeHi everyone it's Duke!  We are going to some math today, tire math that is, what do all these numbers mean when it comes to your tire!  Let's get bark'in!

Ever notice that your tire is covered with writing? It's like some hieroglyphic art form. Of course, Los Altos drivers know that it's not just graffiti, but to most of us, it might as well be. Would you like to know what all those codes on your tire mean? It won't lead you to buried treasure, but it could help you make a better tire purchase at your local Los Altos tire store.

Prominently featured on your tire is a set of numbers and letters that looks something like this: 225 50 R 16 92 H. The first number is the width of the tire in millimeters, or the width between the sidewalls of the tire when it is fully inflated and not carrying a load. When Los Altos drivers replace tires, they need to match this width number, or the tires won't fit properly in the wheel wells.

The 50 is the aspect ratio of the tire, which is measured by taking the height of the sidewalls and dividing it by the tread width. If you drive off-road around the Los Altos area, it should have a high aspect ratio. For high performance on the road, you want a lower aspect ratio.

The R simply means this is a radial tire.

The 92 is the load rating index, or in other words, a rating of how much load a tire can safely carry. If you frequently haul heavy loads around Los Altos, you will want a tire with a high load rating.

The last letter in our “code” sequence is the speed rating on the tire. Not all tires have this rating. In general, the closer the letter is to the end of the alphabet, the higher the speed rating. In other words, Z is the highest rating and A is the lowest. One exception: H comes between U and V. Why? Your guess is as good as mine.

If you'd just as soon ignore all of the markings on your tire, that's okay. When you need to replace your tires just ask your friendly and knowledgeable Allied Auto Works tire professional for his auto advice on the best tires for you and your vehicle. Replacing tires is a standard part of preventive maintenance for Los Altos drivers vehicles. We all have to do it sooner or later. 

The  better we understand what we're buying, the better our vehicle will perform and the safer we will be on CA roads.

Good car care is informed car care I always say!  This is Duke until next time.


Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024


Tires and Wheels

Automotive Tips from Cayenne: Signs of an Alignment Problem



Good Day everyone, it's Cayenne and today I am going to share my tips on alignment problems so let's get barking!



When properly aligned, all of your wheels are pointed in the same direction. Your vehicle will track true and handle the way it is designed. Los Altos drivers often associate our wheels being “knocked” out of alignment with an event like an accident, hitting a pothole, curb or some other object.

While these can certainly take your wheels out of alignment, the bumps and bounces of everyday Los Altos driving take their toll on wheel alignment as well.

In addition, your vehicle can lose alignment over time with just normal driving. When your wheels are out of alignment, Allied Auto Works in Los Altos can return your wheels to the vehicle manufacturers’ factory settings. Most owners’ manuals suggest an alignment check every year or two. 

Give us a call and tell them CAYENNE sent ya!    


Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024




Duke's Training Received by Technicians at Allied Auto Works

dukeWhat a beautiful summer day here in Los Altos, hi it's Duke again and today we are going to bark about what our technicians go through for education and training.

When your car breaks down in the Los Altos, CA area, or just needs some routine service, it can make you a little nervous. Because your car's so important to your life, you need to be back on the road as soon as possible. And with the problem fixed right the first time.

We've been checking into some of the training our Los Altos, CA technicians receive, and we're very impressed. It's amazing how much knowledge and skill goes into diagnosing and repairing a modern car. So it's not like when your uncle worked on his hot rod over the weekend.

Today there are four cylinder engines around Los Altos that make more power than the V-8's in luxury cars did 20 years ago. A new V-6 Toyota Camry could beat Sonny Crocket's Ferrari in a race to 60 mph.

Our engines are more and more powerful. And they're so reliable. This is all due to engineering. But the benefits come to Los Altos drivers at the price of simplicity. Modern cars are so much more complex from a mechanical standpoint that it makes your head spin.

Then there's the electronics. Some cars on CA roads have several networked computers controlling most of the engine functions and many other vehicle functions as well. Los Altos drivers take all of this sophistication for granted – but somebody has to fix it when it breaks.

It's a real challenge for the pros at Allied Auto Works and other Los Altos auto service centers to keep up. It requires a high level of commitment on the part of the auto technician and the service center as well. In addition to the training, there's the financial commitment to purchase the diagnostic and repair tools as well.

So where do Los Altos technicians go for training? There are many sources. It's usually a combination of formal classroom training, training provided in the service center by auto parts and equipment manufacturers, on-line courses and home study courses. There are many independent certifications available all the way up to Master Technician.

Service centers in Los Altos, CA have a lot of other resources available as well. No one can know everything, so service centers like Allied Auto Works subscribe to data services, technical libraries and even on-line communities that can help them with they run into a difficult problem.

It's like those medical diagnosis shows on TV. Here are the symptoms – what's the diagnosis and treatment. Diagnosis is every bit as much an art as a science. Los Altos drivers want everything to be simple, straight forward and cheap – and sometimes it just isn't.

So, be more relaxed next time you take your vehicle in. You can trust the professionals at Allied Auto Works. You're in good hands. The more you know, the more comfortable you can be with your automotive service decisions at Allied Auto Works and tell them.............Duke sent ya!



Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024



Cayenne's Kool Coolant Service at Allied Auto Works





cayKeeping cool in summer is important but it is also important for your vehicle to stay COOL.  Hi Cayenne here and today we are barking about coolant service.

Los Altos residents' cars have to operate in a wide range of CA temperatures which requires our engine coolant to be able to perform 'no matter what'. Think for a moment about the environment where the coolant does its thing. Very hot, high pressure, corrosive...

And all the while, it has to protect the components of the cooling system from corrosion. These components are made from steel and aluminum, plastics and rubber. The coolant has to be formulated to protect against corrosion for all of these different materials. That's why vehicle manufacturer’s recommend different types of anti-freeze for our Los Altos, CA vehicles.

There are several different 'families' of anti-freeze available to us here in Los Altos. Your owners' manual will tell you what kind you should use. Of course, the automotive professionals at Allied Auto Works will know the right kind for your car.

It's important to stay on top of this because coolant system failure is the most common mechanical problem people have here in Los Altos, CA. Regular service needs to be done at Allied Auto Works to avoid failures and also to keep your warranty in place.

While the specifics of the service required may vary from vehicle to vehicle, your friendly and knowledgeable Allied Auto Works service advisor will know what to do. You'll be advised to replace the coolant at specified intervals.

Some recommend periodic coolant system flushes. A flush adds a cleaning step to the fluid replacement process. Again, check to see what your owner’s manual recommends.

Well I am ready to take a swim after barking about all this cool stuff ~ Cayenne   cay

Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024


Cooling System

Duke Goes To School: Automotive Allied Auto Works Technician Training

dukeDuke here and sometimes we think we can take care and fix our own cars like our Dads when were kids but in todays advanced technology on cars and special diagnostic equipment needed it is virtually impossible.   Technicians need to take ongoing education to keep on the ever changing technology put in our vehicles so let's bark about Technician Training today.

Los Altos consumers are demanding. We want a safe, reliable vehicle that handles well and is comfortable to ride in. Oh, and we want good fuel economy, too. We also want car repairs that are cheap, fast and easy. Unfortunately, one usually comes at the cost of the other.

Today's vehicles have made significant improvements in reliability and performance over the last few decades. They also deliver more power to Los Altos drivers more efficiently than ever before. For example, some of today's 4 cylinder engines are equal to yesterday's V-8's. Our vehicles also offer an amazing range of features that make them more comfortable and convenient than ever before.

But all of that improvement has come at a price for Los Altos vehicle owners. Our vehicles are more complicated and difficult to repair than ever before. They have numerous mechanical and electrical systems. Fuel systems are so complex they have to be run by a computer. Our vehicles are covered with sensors and high-tech electronic equipment. Our dashboards rival the control panel of the first manned space flight.

With all that complicated equipment, it's no wonder we call mechanics service technicians these days. You can't learn to repair cars in the backyard with your dad anymore. Today's Allied Auto Works technicians have to go to school. School may come in the form of classroom instruction, on-line courses or both. Technicians are also trained on-site at the Los Altos service centers where they work (including Allied Auto Works) to keep them abreast of constant improvements in vehicle engineering, diagnostic equipment and repair techniques.

Today's technicians need to be certified to work on our vehicles. They can earn a variety of certifications in CA, but the highest of these is Master Technician. It's like a graduate degree in auto repair.

Vehicle repair at Allied Auto Works in Los Altos requires more than just training and certification, though. It also takes information and creative thought. Los Altos area auto service centers subscribe to data services, technical libraries and on-line repair communities in order to get the information they need to work on various makes and models of vehicles, to get recommended maintenance schedules, to learn about non-standard features, and even to locate hard-to-find parts in an unusual engine. They also use this information to help diagnose rare or difficult vehicle problems. Many auto repair problems also require a bit of creative thinking for the team at Allied Auto Works to solve. Los Altos service technicians at Allied Auto Works act much like doctors in these situations. They're given a set of symptoms, and they have to come up with a diagnosis and treatment that will fix the problem. This process becomes as much of an art as it is a science.

A proper diagnosis, even by a highly qualified technician, can take time. And a technician's time is going to cost us. It's just the price of progress.

Of course, the best car care for Los Altos vehicle owners is planned preventive auto maintenance. This is also the least way to keep your vehicle in good repair. Regular inspections and replacement of worn parts will prevent most repairs from ever being needed in the first place.

And with the amazing complexity of today's automobiles, isn't it good to know there's someone out there with the knowledge, training and skill to give us good auto advice? Whether we need preventive maintenance or repairs, the team of automotive professionals at Allied Auto Works can help us keep our vehicles on the road. We just can't do it on our own anymore. 



Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024



Cayenne's Alternator Replacement Service at Allied Auto Works

cayHi Cayenne here and it is a beautiful day in Los Altos.  Today we will bark about the Alternator and how important it is with the charging system.  Let's get started! 


Your vehicle alternator doesn't get enough credit. Though your battery gets your engine started, after that – it's all about the alternator. 

Driving around Los Altos is a lot of work for your alternator and as upgrades such as heated steering wheels, cooled seats, stability control and lane departure warning become more common, it will have to work even harder. Eventually this workhorse just wears out. When it does you have no choice but to order an alternator replacement because your vehicle won't run without one. 

Come see our friendly and professional service advisors Matt and Travis at Allied Auto Works to learn more.......and tell them Cayenne sent ya!


Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024



Duke Deep Cleans Your Fuel System at Allied Auto Works


dukeHey it is Duke and today we need to do some DEEP CLEANING for our fuel systems,


Having trouble with your fuel system? Bring your vehicle into Allied Auto Works for a check up.

In today's Allied Auto Works auto post, we're talking about fuel system cleaning. The first thing to know is how it is to have a clean fuel system. Los Altos residents need fuel to go, and the cleaner the fuel system, the more efficiently the fuel will burn. That means more power and better mileage .

A clean fuel system saves money for Los Altos drivers at CA gas stations. We guess you could say, it all starts and ends at the pump. One of the most important things Los Altos residents can do to keep their vehicle fuel system clean is to buy good quality gas. Major brands have detergents that keep gum and varnish from rapidly building up in the fuel system.

So buying cheaper gas in CA can actually be more expensive for Los Altos drivers in the long run. Now, most cars on CA roads are more than five or six years old. That means they've had time for some dirt and rust to start accumulating in the fuel tank. This junk needs to be filtered out of the fuel before it hits your vehicle engine. That's the fuel filter's job.

When the fuel filter is clogged, the dirty fuel will bypass the filter and go on up to the engine where it can clog fuel injectors and get into the cylinders. So Los Altos residents should have their fuel filter changed when recommended. Check your owner's manual or ask your friendly and knowledgeable Allied Auto Works service advisor if your fuel filter is due for replacement.

dukeWell I do not know about you, but I am going to clean my DOGHOUSE,  till next week this DUKE!

Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024


Fuel System
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